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Educator Reads

Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Reads

Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Reads is a community initiative to promote reading and civic dialogue through the shared experience of reading and discussing a common book. The theme of the 2008 program "China and America: Bridging Two Worlds" was chosen to complement the U-M ChinaNow LSA Theme Year, a series of lectures, exhibitions, and events promoting a dynamic blend of traditional and the modern views of China (see

The Selection Committee's choice for the 2008 Reads program is The Eighth Promise: A Son's Tribute to His Toisanese Mother by William Poy Lee.  A selection of books on China and Chinese-American topics (fiction and non-fiction) reviewed for the public read is listed below:

Ann Arbor Book Festival

The annual Ann Arbor Book Festival, a community event, showcases the rich culture of the written word in Michigan and beyond.  Authors, presentations, musical performances, cultural activities, a celebrated spelling bee, and more are part of the scheduled events.  University of Michigan's International Institute (II) features a display of books selected by each of the II's Centers (four titles are directed towards a general audience, four for youth from each Center). The Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies selections have included language and writing introductions, graphic novels, architectural and cultural highlights, memoirs and fact-finding compendiums.