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Michigan in Tokyo 2019 | Financial Governance in the Reiwa Era: A Conversation with Eisuke Sakakibara, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University and former Vice-Minister of Finance for International Affairs, & Michael S. Barr, Dean, Ford School of Public Policy

Michael Barr, Dean, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan; Eisuke Sakakibara, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University and former Vice-Minister of Finance for International Affairs; Moderator: Akinari Horii, Special Advisor and Member
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
7:00-9:30 PM
Kazan Kaikan 霞山会館, Kasumigaseki Common Gate West Bldg. 37th Floor, 3-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ( Off Campus Location

(Registration is required. For the English-language registration site, go to:

● Map to event venue:
● Language: English and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)

As the Reiwa Era begins, new opportunities and challenges abound in the global economy. The Heisei Era opened at the height of Japan's bubble economy and the US-Japan trade war, followed by the IT bubble in the US and the lost decades in Japan, and then the global financial crisis and Abenomics. What awaits the Japanese, US, and global economies in the Reiwa Era? What types of financial governance mechanisms are needed to foster economic stability and growth? In this Michigan in Tokyo event, two leading experts on financial governance, Dr. Eisuke Sakakibara - a UM alum and former Vice-Minister of Finance for International Affairs, also known as "Mr. Yen" - and Dean Michael S. Barr - Dean of the UM Ford School and a prime architect of the Dodd-Frank Act in the Obama administration - will discuss current trends and prospects in US-Japan economic relations and world financial markets. Moderated by Mr. Akinori Horii - a former Assistant Governor of the Bank of Japan -, they will review areas of promise and vulnerability and discuss policy paths forward in Tokyo, Washington, and elsewhere.

Doors Open

Welcome & Introduction
Kiyoteru Tsutsui, Director, Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan

Financial Governance in the Reiwa Era
Michael Barr, Dean, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Eisuke Sakakibara, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University and former Vice-Minister of Finance for International Affairs
Moderator: Akinari Horii, Special Advisor and Member of the Board, Canon Institute for Global Studies


● Registration:
General $35
University of Michigan Alumni & Friends $15

(こちらのサイトで事前登録をお願いします →

● 日英同時通訳付

令和元年となる本年、国際経済は新たな挑戦と可能性に向き合うことになる。平成元年は日本のバブル経済の頂点であり、日米貿易摩擦のピークでもあった。平成の経済はその後、アメリカでのITバブルと日本での失われた20年、さらにリーマンショックとアベノミクスを経験する。令和の時代の日本、アメリカ、そして国際経済はどのように展開するのであろうか。新時代に経済的安定と成長を担保するためには、どのようなファイナンシャル・ガバナンスの仕組みが必要なのか。今年のMichigan in Tokyo シンポジウムでは、ミシガン大学卒業生で大蔵省財務官を務め、「ミスター円」と呼ばれた榊原英資教授と、ミシガン大学フォード公共政策大学院長で、オバマ政権内でドッド・フランク法の起草者でもあったマイケル・S・バー教授、という日米を代表する二人のファイナンシャル・ガバナンスの専門家に、日米の経済関係及び国際経済の最新のトレンドと将来の予測についてお話しいただきます。日本銀行理事を務められた堀井昭成氏をモデレーターにお迎えし、成長の期待される分野及び注意が必要な問題について、また東京、ワシントン、及びその他の世界の金融拠点で、どのような政策展開が必要になってくるかについてじっくり語り合っていただきます。


筒井清輝 (ミシガン大学日本研究センター所長)

モデレーター:堀井昭成 (キャノングローバル戦略研究所理事・特別顧問)


● 参加費
ミシガン大学卒業生・関係者: $15
Building: Off Campus Location
Location: Off Campus Location
Event Type: Conference / Symposium
Tags: Japanese Studies, Public Policy
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Center for Japanese Studies, International Institute, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, Office of University Development, Asian Languages and Cultures