Please join us Friday, November 17, at 12:00 pm in the Classical Studies Library, 2175 Angell Hall.

Artemis Leontis: “The Divided, Long-Hidden Papers of Eva Palmer Sikelianos”

Eleni Sikelianos: “Delphic Ancestral” Artemis Leontis is the Cavafy Chair of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Michigan. She will reflect on ongoing archival work related to her book, Eva Palmer Sikelianos: A Life in Ruins (2019).

Eleni Sikelianos is a poet and writer of hybrid forms who teaches Literary Arts at Brown University. She will read and discuss a script about her great-grandmother Eva, who directed performances of Greek tragedy in 1927 and 1930 at Delphi in Greece.

This workshop is free and open to the public, co-sponsored by Contexts for Classics, the Modern Greek Program, the Department of Comparative Literature, and the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Michigan.