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SiSA Mentor Meetings

Hey there!

I am  Abdul Kizito, a first-year Anthropology PhD student with a passion for exploring the dynamics of mobility and development in South Asia and Africa. Last summer, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to India for research during my undergraduate studies here at U of M. I got a thrilling and mind-opening experience.

My experience helped me shape a compelling research project for my undergraduate honors thesis and furthered my interests in pursuing a Ph.D. Summer in South Asia is an exciting chance for you to create your own project and embark on an adventure to learn more about India.

If you'd like to learn more about this exciting program and could use some guidance with your application, don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Let's make your India experience a reality!

Join a group chat to get application tips and guidance by connecting with past fellows, mentors, and other SiSA hopefulls.

Sign up for a meeting here or email me at to arrange a time.
